
Company Profile

Who We Are!

The genesis of the Groups Tea Broking arm is intrinsically woven around the birth of the world’s largest CTC Auction Centre – the Guwahati Tea Auction Centre [GTAC].

Incorporated on April 24th, 1970 – the 1st ever Lot of Tea ‘hammered’ at GTAC was by Assam Tea Brokers.

It was floated with a vision of building a service organization for the Tea Industry working on the tenets of good governance and strict disciplinary norms.

It turned a corner with the launch of its Kolkata chapter in April 2006.

It provides service and guidance of the highest quality and integrity for Broking needs.

Equipped with a team of young talented, energetic and aggressive professionals.

Currently handles around 20 million kgs of Tea between its 2 branches which is around 8% of the market share amongst North Indian Auction Centres.

Its clientele include almost all the erstwhile Sterling Companies.